which youtube hashtag is best for getting views

 There is no single "best" hashtag for getting views on YouTube, as the effectiveness of a hashtag will depend on the specific niche and audience of your videos. However, some tips on using hashtags to increase views on your YouTube videos include:

  1. Research popular hashtags in your niche: Look at the hashtags used by other popular channels in your niche, and consider using similar hashtags in your own videos.

  2. Use relevant hashtags: Make sure that the hashtags you use are relevant to your video's content. This will help ensure that your video is seen by people who are interested in the topic.

  3. Use a mix of broad and specific hashtags: Use a mix of general and specific hashtags. General hashtags will give you a wider reach, while specific hashtags will help you target a more specific audience.

  4. Use a mix of popular and less popular hashtags: Use a mix of popular hashtags that are commonly used by other creators in your niche, and less popular hashtags that are specific to your video's content.

  5. Use a mix of YouTube-specific and general hashtags: Use a mix of hashtags that are specific to YouTube, such as #YouTubeShorts, and general hashtags that are used across social media platforms, such as #vlog.

  6. Monitor and update your hashtags: Keep track of the hashtags you use, and update them as needed to ensure that they are still relevant and effective.

It's also important to keep in mind that YouTube's algorithm takes into account the engagement and watch time of your videos, so even if you use the best hashtags, it's important to make sure your video is high quality and engaging to retain audience's watch time.


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